Groves Lab

Physical Chemistry in Living Systems

Kabir H. Biswas

Postdoctoral Researcher - MBI

e-mail: kbiswas (at)


Integrated PhD: Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

Laboratory: Prof. Sandhya S. Visweswariah, Department of Molecular Reproduction, Development and Genetics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. Year 2011


Research interests: I'm interested in understanding the dynamics and mechanics of cell-cell junction formation and the role of protein clustering in the functioning of cell adhesion receptors and associated proteins. I engineer micro- and nano-patterned, supported lipid bilayer substrates to enable experiments related to cell adhesion and signaling.


Lab Website




Highlighted publications:

[4] Biswas KH*, Hartman KL, Zaidel-Bar R*, Groves JT* (2016) Sustained α-catenin activation at E-cadherin junctions in the absence of mechanical force. Biophysical Journal 111, 1044-52


[3] Biswas KH#, Hartman KL#, Yu C-H, Harrison OJ, Song H, Smith AW, Huang WYC, Lin W-C, Guo Z, Padmanabhan A, Troyanovsky SM, Dustin ML, Shapiro L, Honig B, Zaidel-Bar R and Groves JT (2015) E-cadherin junction formation involves an active kinetic nucleation process. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112(35): 10932-7


[2] Biswas KH and Visweswariah SS (2011) Distinct Allostery Induced in the Cyclic GMP-binding, Cyclic GMP-specific Phosphodiesterase (PDE5) by Cyclic GMP, Sildenafil, and Metal Ions. J Biol Chem 286(10): 8545-54


[1] Biswas KH, Sopory S and Visweswariah SS (2008) The GAF domain of the cGMP-Binding, cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase (PDE5) is a sensor and a sink for cGMP. Biochemistry 47(11): 3534-43

*co-corresponding author

#co-first author

Lab Contact:

Lab Phone: (510) 666-3604

Office Phone: (510) 666-3602

Fax: (510) 666-3603


Also see Contact page.

Mailing Address:

University of California

Department of Chemistry

424 Stanley Hall, MC3220

Berkeley, CA 94720