Groves Lab

Physical Chemistry in Living Systems

Young Kwang Lee

Postdoctoral Researcher

e-mail: glora21c (at)



I received my PhD in Chemistry with Prof. Jwa-Min Nam at Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea. My research interests lies at the intersection of nanotechnology and biophysical chemistry. During my PhD, I have studied a supported lipid bilayer platform for biosensing and plasmonic nanoparticle manipulation, purely focusing on its material properties to create fluidic surfaces. In Groves lab, I am still “on a supported membrane platform” but further exploring the living systems. My current works include single- molecule imaging and analysis of downstream pathways of receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signal transduction on in vitro reconstituted systems.



Highlighted publications:


1. Mechanism of SOS PR-domain Autoinhibition Revealed by Single Molecule Assay on Native Protein from Lysate. Y. K. Lee, S. Low-Nam, Jean K. Chung, S. D. Hansen, S. Alvrez, H. Y. M. Lam, J. T. Groves. Nature Communications 8, 15061 (2017).


2. Covalent Ras Dimerization on Membrane Surfaces through Photosensitized Oxidation. J. K. Chung*, Y. K. Lee*, H. Y. M. Lam*, J. T. Groves, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 138, 1800 (2016).

*Co-first author


3. Massively Parallel and Highly Quantitative Single-Particle Analysis on Interactions between Nanoparticles on Supported Lipid Bilayer. Y. K. Lee, S. Kim, J.-W. Oh, J.-M. Nam, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136, 4081 (2014).

Selected as JACS spotlights: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136, 3321 (2014). Snapshots of Nanoparticles in Action Reveal Their Interactions.


4. Electrofluidic Lipid Membrane Biosensor. Y. K. Lee, J.-M. Nam Small 8, 832 (2012).


Lab Contact:

Lab Phone: (510) 666-3604

Office Phone: (510) 666-3602

Fax: (510) 666-3603


Also see Contact page.

Mailing Address:

University of California

Department of Chemistry

424 Stanley Hall, MC3220

Berkeley, CA 94720